Love Yourselfie Tab 2

Learning the truth about diets: They don’t work!

  • What’s one social media account I follow that shares messages about food (e.g., what to/not to eat, when to eat for weight loss, super healthy foods) and body (e.g., emphasis on fitness, exercise, shape, size, or weight)? :
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  • When I’m looking at this account, what am I wanting (e.g., to find tips for weight loss, becoming stronger, or fitspiration )? :
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  • If I was ready to push back against negative body image messages that come from diet culture, what is one social media goal I could set for myself? :
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  • Besides online, where else in my daily life do I hear or see messages related to diet culture?:
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  • If my eating and/or fitness practices are different than an influencer or others I follow, what are my thoughts and feelings after spending time on their account? :
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